UltraFlex vs EcoJet Coolant Systems


ATS Systems has two coolant systems available, the UltraFlex and the EcoJet systems. Some potential customers might find themselves wondering if they should get one or the other. 

Both are excellent medium- and high-pressure coolant systems, but each has a best-use. In order for you to get the most of your coolant system, you should understand how each system differs and therefore which system is the best for the application you have in mind. 

Let's go over each coolant system, so you can get an idea of which system is going to be best for your purposes. We're also happy to explain it in greater detail if you contact us for a quote. 

The UltraFlex Coolant System


The UltraFlex coolant system is designed for the utmost in flexibility, as it can be configured to suit almost any desired setting. 

Output can be fixed or variable, and single or variable pressure. There are 8 possible outlet configurations, with two outlets being standard. The UltraFlex can produce 300 psi to 2,000 psi of pressure, and can also be equipped with a 3-ton chiller, smoke and mist collector, coolant filtration kits and either 4- or 8-port manifold kits. 

The UltraFlex is clearly designed with modularity as a design priority, which makes it a very capable and useful piece of equipment. If you need variable pressure, or to add additional filtration equipment like a chiller or smoke/mist collector, then it's an outstanding choice. 

However, the UltraFlex is also designed with specific purposes in mind, as it's designed for use with vertical or horizontal mills, multi-turret lathes and/or any machines with small tanks. 


EcoJet Coolant System

Many of the specifications of the EcoJet Coolant System are similar to the UltraFlex, including pressure output - the EcoJet can be ordered with 300, 1,000 or 2,000 psi of pressure - and either fixed or variable flow configuration. 

However, the EcoJet flow rate is fixed at 8 gallons per minute, and a fixed filtering rate of 20 gallons per minute. If interested in the EcoJet, your metalworking machine must require a flow rate of 8 gpm or less in order for the EcoJet to be an appropriate selection. 

The ideal use for the EcoJet is with 40 taper mills or single-turret lathes, which don't always require the same variability of coolant as other types of metalworking machines. 


Select The Coolant System That Best Fits Your Needs


As you have no doubt gathered, the EcoJet works very well if your need for a coolant system fits totally within its operating parameters; if not, then the UltraFlex is the better fit. The UltraFlex can be configured for use with far more machines than the EcoJet, but the EcoJet is the right system for certain specific applications. 

If you'd like to learn more about our high-pressure coolant systems, please contact us to learn more! Our support team has built a reputation of providing shops with exactly the equipment they need to help them grow their business, and with excellent service. We'd be happy to talk to you about your shop's needs for a coolant system.

Ken Erkenbrack